سنسور دریچه گاز ایران پژوهش کد IPS 202 مناسب برای پراید


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ﺗﺤﻮﯾﻞ اﮐﺴﭙﺮس

ﺿﻤﺎﻧﺖ اﺻﻞ ﺑﻮدن ﮐﺎﻟﺎ

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شناسه محصول: 8513341 دسته:


Iranian quality has played a major role in supplying parts for the Iranian automotive industry, such as various relays, electronic equipment, dynamo and guide devices, etc. Due to the high quality and durability, Iran Peugeot products have always been among the most reputable brands in the automotive parts market. Iran Peugeot parts are now widely used in various domestic vehicles. The high quality of these parts has led to a good reception in the market by customers. Iran Peugeot is also the first automotive parts manufacturing company in Iran to receive ISO and ISO/TS certifications. The throttle body sensor of SaZheM Pride and Paykan is produced by Iran Peugeot and is used in the Iran Khodro production line.

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سیستم برقی خودرو ساژم
نوع حسگر خودرو میل سوپاپ
تعداد در بسته‌بندی 1

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